Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment #4

one person's blog that i thought was very good was my friend dillon i thought that his was full of detail. Here is a sample from his blog " In 2109, I think that the world will be at a near end. Governments will have collapsed and poverty would be outstanding."

Another person's blog who I thought was very descriptive was Sam's blog becasue she thinks more history will be made like a black priminister. Here is a sample " I think that in the year 2109 we will have had a black prime minister and also a girl prime minister in Canada. U.S.A will have had a girl presedent that did a great job and everyone thought see did a great job."

The last person who I looked at was Colton he thinks there will be new technology and we will see a change in our stock market. Here is a sample " In 2109 i believe there will be all new technology, like talking robot butlers, rocket cars, floating cities, and who knows, mabye we will be trading stocks with martians! "


Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Adam,

Have you figured out how to do Assignment #7? If you still need some guidance, check out my blog, I've linked to an excellent student example.